abnormal, unnatural
Meaning: not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm; "abnormal powers of concentration"; "abnormal amounts of rain"; "abnormal circumstances"; "an abnormal interest in food"
Usage examples
His strength was abnormal, and for some minutes the struggling mass of men strained and heaved about him.
It was the working out, in abnormal form, but with essential truth, of his chosen and cherished ideal of life.
We have seen, also, how the abnormal proper-motion of Sirius suggested to Bessel the existence of an unseen companion.
In the struggle for existence the more efficient tribes survive, and those that develop many abnormal tastes must perish.
What the Science Community was, no one knew exactly; but that there was something abnormal, fanatical, about it, no one doubted.
In these commonplaces I knew that she at least was finding relief from that strain of the abnormal under which we had labored so long.
Shall normal, safe, effective contraceptives be employed, or shall we continue to force women to the abnormal, often dangerous surgical operation?
Abnormal size, whether greatly above or much below the average, appeals to the vulgar and uneducated eye, and will always command its attention and wonderment.
The last date was one of great industrial prosperity, and doubtless many ephemeral enterprises had been called into existence, thus giving a somewhat abnormal result.
By this time it was clear to me that I had to do with a case lying far outside of the common routine of life; something subtle, abnormal, hard to measure, in which a clear and careful estimate would be necessary.