Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: absurdly
IPA transcription: [əbs'ɝdli]
r meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: absurdly
    Meaning: in an absurd manner or to an absurd degree; "an absurdly rich young woman"
Usage examples
  • She seemed absurdly small.
  • It narrowed the thing down absurdly.
  • "Because you are built as absurdly as a jumping-
  • He wore a white cravat, and an absurdly high shirt collar.
  • Hence her words "very nice," "so charming," were uttered with a perfunctoriness that made them sound absurdly unreal.
  • He must hasten toward that goal which he fancied (absurdly, no doubt) to be deliverance, toward the darkness from which he was now barely thirty paces distant.
  • It was very preposterous, that even though his mood was so prosaic and paternal a one, he was absurdly, vacantly sensible of feeling some uneasiness at the brightness of her upturned face.
  • They go the length of declaring that this honest creature would do anything for money, that the HISPANIOLA belonged to him, and that he sold it me absurdly high--the most transparent calumnies.
  • With eyes to the front and hands down their sides they looked absurdly like wax figures waiting to be "wound up," and I did want so much to tell the little son of General Phillips to pinch one and make him jump.
  • To give a child an idea of scarlet or orange, of sweet or bitter, I present the objects, or in other words, convey to him these impressions; but proceed not so absurdly, as to endeavour to produce the impressions by exciting the ideas.