Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: accorded
IPA transcription: [ək'ɔɹdɪd]
Pronunciations of accorded
Usage examples
  • The prominence accorded to an individual deity depended on local conditions, experiences, and influences.
  • In the first place the Roman matron had much more freedom than was accorded the Greek wife during the age of Pericles.
  • Bruce, conscious of his inherent rights, rejected the iniquitous demand of Edward; Baliol accorded with it, and was made king.
  • The Committee's interview with Samuel was quite satisfactory, and they cheerfully accorded to him brotherly kindness and material aid at the same time.
  • At the noon luncheon Mary Louise was accorded a warm reception by the assembled boarders and this cordial welcome by her school-mates did much to restore the girl to her normal condition of cheerfulness.
  • But if actual accomplishments count, these pilots with their ragged peon crews, half-bloods of Aztec woman and Spanish adventurer, deserve higher rank in the roll of Pacific coast exploration than history has yet accorded them.
  • In the glare of noon--at the dead hour of night--in sickness or in health--in calm or in tempest--the young Metzengerstein seemed rivetted to the saddle of that colossal horse, whose intractable audacities so well accorded with his own spirit.
  • The Anglo-Saxon convents developed few writers, whereas those of Germany produced several who not only shed luster on their sex but who also showed what woman is capable of accomplishing when accorded some measure of encouragement and full liberty of action.
  • The time was when the privilege was mine of beginning my letters to you with a warmer show of love than the above word contains,--when I might and did call you dearest; but I lost that privilege through my own folly, and since that it has been accorded to another.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Joint Chiefs of Staff, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Order of Canada, License CC BY-SA 4.0
2. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Big Bang, License CC BY-SA 4.0
3. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Pope Evaristus, License CC BY-SA 4.0