actor, histrion, player, thespian, role_player
Meaning: a theatrical performer
Usage examples
We were not getting anywhere; the fellow was certainly an incomparable actor.
It is fatal to either the actor or the speaker to cross his bridges too soon.
April 14, assassinated in Ford's Theater, Washington, by a mad actor, Wilkes Booth.
In short, the night's work had so exhausted and worn out this actor in it, that he had become a mere somnambulist.
I turned and walked towards the dead bodies, keeping my face towards the three kneeling Beast Men, very much as an actor passing up the stage faces the audience.
Feather herself had no need of him. An athletic and particularly well favoured young actor who shared her thrills of elation seemed to permeate the atmosphere about her.
And for a time they went no further, for Persephone herself sent forth the spirit of Actor's son which craved with many tears to behold men like himself, even for a moment.
But there is no humorous comment to be made upon the barrister--unless it is to call him "my learned friend." He has much more right than the actor to claim to be a member of the profession.
There are many conditions indispensable to the success of a narrative. These conditions are, first, novelty; the best stories weary when they are multiplied too much, because every one wishes to be an actor in his turn upon the stage of the world.
Shakespeare, himself an actor, and an intelligent man, knew how to express by the means not only of speech, but of exclamation, gesture, and the repetition of words, states of mind and developments or changes of feeling taking place in the persons represented.