Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: adjective
IPA transcription: ['ædʒɪktɪv]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: adjective
    Meaning: a word that expresses an attribute of something
  • Synonyms: adjective
    Meaning: the word class that qualifies nouns
Usage examples
  • 'An adjective absolute,' said half-a-dozen voices at once.
  • In England the word is pronounced Maudlin, whence maudlin, adjective, unpleasantly sentimental.
  • And thus it is that the adjective 'moral' usually accompanies our word 'character'--moral or immoral.
  • "Does it live in a tree and eat nuts?" she asked, hoping that the use of the adjective "large" might be an exaggeration.
  • Does he wish to express still more forcibly this sentiment, he doubles the word, or prefixes an adjective, or adds an affix, as the genius of his language may dictate.