Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: advisable
IPA transcription: [ədv'aɪzəbəl]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: advisable
    Meaning: worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise; "such action is neither necessary nor advisable"; "extreme caution is advisable"; "it is advisable to telephone first"
Usage examples
  • It is advisable there should be an interval between the new life and the old."
  • "Things have come to such a pass that, in fact, it is advisable to seclude you here."
  • Secrecy may be advisable; but still I cannot help wondering at its being practiced by him."
  • He agrees with me it really would be advisable to take such a very old and prudent and practical friend into our confidence.
  • Besides, the object is to prevent any violent measures on my brother's part, so that a little precipitation may be advisable.
  • But the practical point which we now have to decide, Sir Henry, is whether it is or is not advisable for you to go to Baskerville Hall."
  • Dear Mackenzie: Do you consider it to be advisable that I should shortly pay a visit to our patient at Gleneesh and give an opinion on his progress?
  • But, after a few experiments, we thought it advisable to desist, and leave him to prolong his absence, or to terminate it, as might happen to suit his own inclination.
  • The members of the Committee of Public Safety having concluded their day's sitting when the news was brought, it was deemed advisable to conceal the event until the morrow.
  • It is an engagement in some respects not prosperously begun, for their marriage must be at a very uncertain distance; and even secrecy, as far as it can be observed, may now be very advisable."