Meaning: the mathematics of generalized arithmetical operations
Usage examples
"Well, Mr. Carlton, this algebra is a most powerful thing--ain't it?"
Besides, Mr. Hammond said he would show me about my algebra if I'd go out on the piazza this minute."
History is one such group of facts; algebra another; geography another, and so on till we have run through the entire curriculum.
"I have done some mathematics, including the first six and the eleventh and twelfth books of Euclid; and algebra as far as simple equations.
Then he got out note-book and algebra and lost himself in quadratic equations, while the hours slipped by, and the stars dimmed, and the gray of dawn flooded against his window.
They are like those sums in algebra that you think about and worry about and cry about and try to get help from other women about, and then, all of a sudden, X works itself out into perfectly good sense.