Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: alternating
IPA transcription: ['ɔltɚn,eɪtɪŋ]
Pronunciations of alternating
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: alternating
    Meaning: (of a current) reversing direction; "alternating current"
Usage examples
  • "We must not forget the difference between alternating and direct current, my boy," said the Phoenix as it flew down again.
  • MICA SCHIST, the most common of schists, and in fact of all metamorphic rocks, is composed of mica and quartz in alternating wavy folia.
  • As the vocal aria was the result of the simple folk-song combined with the intense craving of song's master molders for individual expression, so instrumental music striving to walk alone, without support from words, gained vital elements through the discovery that various phases of mental disposition might be indicated by alternating dance tunes differing in rhythm and movement, according to Nature's own law of contrasts.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Monkey Gone to Heaven, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Oriel College, Oxford, License CC BY-SA 4.0
2. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Introduction to evolution, License CC BY-SA 4.0
3. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Parity of zero, License CC BY-SA 4.0
4. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Alleyway, License CC BY-SA 4.0