Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: ames
IPA transcription: ['eɪmz]
Usage examples
  • General Ames remained behind to effect an exchange of prisoners.
  • The enemy was not slow in making his approach--fifty strong, headed by one Mat Ames.
  • General Ames handled his men with great skill; his deadliest foe could not deny that.
  • General Mat Ames, a veteran commander, was no less wide-awake in the disposition of his army.
  • Six North-Enders, having rushed out to harass the discomfited enemy, were gallantly cut off by General Ames and captured.
  • The fort opened fire first--a single ball from the dexterous band of General Harris taking General Ames in the very pit of his stomach.
  • General Ames put him among the gunners, and we were quickly made aware of the loss we had sustained, by receiving a frequent artful ball which seemed to light with unerring instinct on any nose that was the least bit exposed.
  • It was not on account of high taxes; for it had been shown that, while the tax rate was quite high during the Alcorn administration, it had been reduced under the Ames administration to a point considerably less than it is now or than it has been for a number of years.