Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: appeased
IPA transcription: [əp'izd]
Usage examples
  • Let the sacrifice go forward; the gods must be appeased.
  • Food not merely appeased hunger and gratified the palate, but it gave strength.
  • Perhaps it was the consciousness of this mood in him which at last partly appeased her.
  • When the animal is alarmed, or first disturbed, it naturally dilates the pupil, and the eye glares; when it is appeased or composed, the pupil contracts, and the light in the eye is no longer seen.
  • If the blacks could be induced to eat the dinner he was cooking their attention to himself might be diverted, and their appetites appeased, so he pointed towards the pots, saying, "Plenty beef, pork, plum duff."
  • The elderly persons in question retired at length, but only to be replaced by two impetuous youths who begged Miss Heath to accompany them to Parnassus and join the dance. Demi thirsted for their blood, but was appeased by hearing George and Dolly say, as they lingered a moment after her refusal: