Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: ascending
IPA transcription: [əs'ɛndɪŋ]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: ascending(a)
    Meaning: moving or going or growing upward; "the ascending plane"; "the ascending staircase"; "the ascending stems of chickweed"
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: rise, ascent, ascension, ascending
    Meaning: the act of changing location in an upward direction
Usage examples
  • With a narrow forehead, ascending to a moderate peak.
  • The sound of the young man's footsteps ascending the stairs became inaudible, and the house was quiet.
  • But long before he reached the top he was ascending one by one, with straining limbs and laboring breath.
  • The door slammed, and the carriage drove rapidly away, ascending the quays in the direction of the Bastille.
  • For with his eye he could not follow it So as to see aught else than flame alone, Even as a little cloud ascending upward,
  • He made a stirring picture, however brief, as he left the solid porch behind him and sailed upward on an ascending curve into the sunlit air.
  • On reaching the outskirts of Poindexter's plantation, he left the low lands of the Leona bottom, and spurred his old mare 'gainst the steep slope ascending to the upper plain.
  • In groping along the floor of the passage for this, I felt a hard substance, which I immediately grasped, not having time to ascertain what it was, but returning and ascending instantly to the surface.
  • One will have no difficulty in knowing the Nut Pine (Pinus Sabiniana), for it is the first conifer met in ascending the Range from the west, springing up here and there among Douglas oaks and thickets of ceanothus and manzanita; its extreme upper limit being about 4000 feet above the sea, its lower about from 500 to 800 feet.
  • Many of the richest ore deposits are thus due to successive concentrations: the ores were leached originally from the rocks to a large extent by laterally seeping waters; they were concentrated in the ore deposits of the vein chiefly by ascending currents; they have been reconcentrated by descending waters in the way just mentioned.