Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: ashore
IPA transcription: [əʃ'ɔɹ]
r meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: ashore
    Meaning: towards the shore from the water; "we invited them ashore"
Usage examples
  • "Jack ashore, you know.
  • If we can't get ashore, all's up."
  • It occurred to me at once to go ashore.
  • It is like going ashore after a sea voyage.
  • "We'll never get ashore at this rate," said I.
  • Then as I went out on the floe came the report that she was ashore.
  • These soon sank with them; whereupon they swam ashore and got others.
  • I worked about the hardest twenty-four hours of my life getting the stuff ashore.
  • "Now none of your sailor-talk ashore, Captain," said the Major, in high good humour.
  • '"If that's your trouble," says old Pierre, "you go straight ashore. None'll hinder you.