Meaning: close fighting during the culmination of a military attack
Meaning: a threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped
meaning of the word
assail, assault, set_on, attack
Meaning: attack someone physically or emotionally; "The mugger assaulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly"
Usage examples
At every assault three or four boys on each side were disabled.
So I felt a little comforted as we advanced to the assault of Snaefell.
The assault commenced at three points in the early morning and was continued all day.
On the prince's side, the assault was conducted with equal courage, and almost with equal loss, but with better success.
On they came, and this time with such determination that the trappers could not withstand the assault, but were compelled to retreat.
However, three men of the Jews' side were slain, and a few wounded; so Placidus, finding himself unable to assault the city, ran away.
When at length the Swedes, having thus driven in the advanced posts, reached the Russian camp itself, they immediately made an assault upon it.
The Catalan watched him until Caderousse, almost overcome by this fresh assault on his senses, rested, or rather dropped, his glass upon the table.
As soon as the National troops reached Vicksburg an assault was attempted, but the place was too strong, and the attack was repulsed, with heavy loss.
If at this moment a wild Arab were to enter this place with a drawn sword, wishing to assault, wound and kill you, most assuredly I would prevent him.