expiation, atonement, propitiation
Meaning: the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing (especially appeasing a deity)
atonement, expiation, satisfaction
Meaning: compensation for a wrong; "we were unable to get satisfaction from the local store"
Usage examples
Killing her was atonement for forty sins.
"You will give me time for atonement?" I pleaded.
I call it AVERIL'S ATONEMENT. Doesn't that sound nice and alliterative?
An overpowering impatience to make the speediest and completest atonement possessed her.
And while one is grinding such chaff in the theological mill, he may as well have a turn at the Atonement, which is, in fact, the essence of the dogma of the Incarnation.
She drew close, and reaching down took her mother's hand, hard and cracked by labor, and laying her cheek against it said, with a voice sure of forgiveness and sweet desire for atonement:
No wonder this poor Atonement has been attacked on all sides; it invites attack; one may say that in every aspect it piteously implores us to attack it and relieve it from the misery of its spectral existence.
When he came again to his sober senses, and learnt that he was the murderer of his own offspring he was filled with horror, and betook himself into exile so that he might hide his face from his fellow men. After a time he went to the oracle at Delphi to ask what he should do in atonement for his dreadful deed.
Her daughter enjoyed a most uncommon degree of popularity for a woman neither young, handsome, rich, nor married. Miss Bates stood in the very worst predicament in the world for having much of the public favour; and she had no intellectual superiority to make atonement to herself, or frighten those who might hate her into outward respect.