Klindworth attacks the trill on the second page with the upper tone--A flat.
It needed all Jane's steady mildness to bear these attacks with tolerable tranquillity.
She clings to the silken floor, she frustrates my attacks, which I am bound to moderate lest I should injure her.
The rigging-builder, therefore, to whom we have just thrown a Locust attacks the prey at the lower end of a thigh.
For a wise man only attacks the errors that are in his way; things which he never meets he can scarcely think of as obstructions.
The wise man finds himself surrounded and obstructed by certain concrete errors, and he attacks these errors with relative truths.
The Indians had made several attacks upon settlements at other points of the frontier, but they had not repeated their incursion in the neighborhood of the lake.
Then M.O. and Edmund went to college at different places, but they met in vacations and wrote frequent and ardent love-letters. Both had genuine attacks of love-sickness and of jealousy.
He became in time much attached to him; and defended him from the jealous attacks of his courtiers, and the indignation of those who were grieved to see their monarch the easy dupe of a charlatan.