Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples
IPA transcription: [ət'ɛnʃənz]
Pronunciations of attentions
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Usage examples
Such as forcing my attentions on you.
'You shall not be persecuted by his attentions.'
You have remarked his attentions to my sister! Nothing can be truer!
Florence called for more and more attentions from him as the time went on.
Why should he pay her such attentions as to make her quarrel with my brother, and then fly off himself?"
Many girls might have been taken in, for never were such attentions; but I knew the fickle sex too well.
I have not seen him for three weeks or more, and his attentions to me were so marked I naturally miss them."
Walcott's visits continued with the same frequency, but he was less annoying in his attentions than formerly.
"Professor Aronnax," the captain said to me, "would you consent to give your medical attentions to one of my men?"
She had as yet no fear of personal violence from Wain; but, under the circumstances, his attentions were an insult.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording
Russell's teapot
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