Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: avoidance
IPA transcription: [əv'ɔɪdəns]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: avoidance, turning_away, shunning, dodging
    Meaning: deliberately avoiding; keeping away from or preventing from happening
Usage examples
  • The avoidance of certain kinds of work which, by social convention, come to be regarded as degrading, takes much ability out of business.
  • He bore the external appearance of respectable poverty; he carried a gingham umbrella, preserved in an oilskin case; he picked his steps, with the neatest avoidance of all dirty places on the pavement; and he surveyed the scene around him with eyes of two different colors--a bilious brown eye on the lookout for employment, and a bilious green eye in a similar predicament.