Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: babylonian
IPA transcription: [b,æbəl'oʊniən]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Babylonian
    Meaning: of or relating to the city of Babylon or its people or culture; "Babylonian religion"
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Babylonian
    Meaning: an inhabitant of ancient Babylon
Usage examples
  • How far do the later Biblical and Babylonian accounts agree?
  • Which Biblical account does the earliest Babylonian narrative resemble most closely?
  • "Evil spirits", according to a Babylonian chant, were "the bitter venom of the gods".
  • Jastrow contrasts the Babylonian poem with the following quotation from Ecclesiastes:--
  • In a fragmentary Babylonian charm there is a reference to a sacred tree or bush at Eridu.
  • The probability is that the tradition goes back to the earliest beginnings of Babylonian history.
  • As Vishnu, the Indian god, rides on the back of Garuda, so does Etana ride on the back of the Babylonian Eagle.
  • Disembarking, the Babylonian Noah kissed the earth and, after building an altar, offered a sacrifice to the gods.
  • A fragment of the Babylonian flood story, coming from at least as early as 2000 B.C., has recently been discovered.