barge, flatboat, hoy, lighter
Meaning: a flatbottom boat for carrying heavy loads (especially on canals)
meaning of the word
barge, thrust_ahead, push_forward
Meaning: push one's way; "she barged into the meeting room"
Usage examples
This barge was rowed by six black men in check shirts and black vel-vet caps.
A grand ceremony was accordingly arranged for the "consecration of the Little Grandfather." The little vessel was brought in triumph from Moscow to Petersburg, where it was put on board a sort of barge or galliot to be taken to Cronstadt.
In the early part of October, 1746, the theatres being opened, I was walking about with my mask on when I perceived a woman, whose head was well enveloped in the hood of her mantle, getting out of the Ferrara barge which had just arrived.
I walked all night and nearly the whole day, without taking any food, until I got into the barge, which brought me here in twenty-four hours. I travelled in the boat with five men and two women, but no one saw my face or heard my voice, I kept constantly sitting down in a corner, holding my head down, half asleep, and with this prayer-book in my hands.