Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: barred
IPA transcription: [b'ɑɹd]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: barred
    Meaning: marked with stripes or bands
  • Synonyms: barricaded, barred, blockaded
    Meaning: preventing entry or exit or a course of action; "a barricaded street"; "barred doors"; "the blockaded harbor"
Usage examples
  • But first he barred the door with a chair.
  • She made her way to a narrow barred casement that opened into the farm larder.
  • In places, fallen trees barred our path, but Billy used to step carefully over them.
  • She was going to enter the room which had been barred from public sight by poor Bela's dying body.
  • They had traveled some distance when suddenly they faced a high fence which barred any further progress straight ahead.
  • Having rounded the great promontory that had barred her farther progress to the north, the schooner skirted its upper edge.
  • The gate of the palace, locked and barred all day, refused entrance to every one; at night, it opened to admit the exit of a travelling-carriage.
  • In the evening, he had gone to bed very early, recommending that everything in the house should be well barred, and he had fallen into a doze through sheer fatigue.
  • And, although Trot ran with them, in her eagerness to save her friend, the gate was found to be fast barred and she knew it was impossible for them to force an entrance into the City.
  • The brown earth between the rows was barred by alternate lines of sunlight and shadow, and the vista of each avenue ended in blue sky. Sometimes cool ocean breezes would penetrate the forest.