Two batteries of eight guns each have come nearer.
Southern batteries were not far away from him and he heard the men talking.
There was a terrific crash much nearer, and Dick knew that it was the Southern batteries opening fire.
"With the Federal garrison concentrated in Sumter and the batteries going up everywhere, matters begin to look dangerous."
Circling batteries would soon threaten Sumter, and, however defiantly the flag there might snap in the breeze, it must come down.
The whole army of Pope was massed along the left bank of the river and every high point was crowned with heavy batteries of artillery.
Ahead of them Pope's army was crossing on the bridge and in boats, and masses of infantry supported by heavy batteries had turned to protect the crossing.
He had, from the beginning of the undertaking, maintained the theory that a wooden fleet, properly handled, could successfully pass the batteries of the forts.
He took an active part in the campaign on the Hudson, and in the attack on Trenton, at the head of a small detachment, he captured one of the British batteries.