Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: beastly
IPA transcription: [b'istl,i]
Pronunciations of beastly
r meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: beastly
    Meaning: in a beastly manner; "she behaved beastly toward her mother-in-law"
Usage examples
  • He's too beastly intelligent.
  • "Beastly!" he added concisely.
  • That's the worst of being a beastly solicitor.
  • 'We never touched the beastly box,' said Robert.
  • "It's beastly expensive at the Astor," said Mike.
  • Don't you know things look beastly black for you?"
  • On turning out found sky overcast; a beastly position amidst crevasses.
  • It seemed beastly hard luck to leave you fast in that old woman's clutches!"
  • Thus with Mr. Tebrick, for as he had been beastly, merry and a very dare-devil the night before, so on his awakening was he ashamed, melancholic and a true penitent before his Creator.
  • It is hard to tell, whether you hurt a man's character most by calling him a knave or a coward, and whether a beastly glutton or drunkard be not as odious and contemptible, as a selfish, ungenerous miser.
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