beautifully, attractively
Meaning: in a beautiful manner; "her face was beautifully made up"
Usage examples
The palace was beautifully built.
"But doesn't he sing beautifully?"
You know yourself, he plays beautifully."
"All Mrs. Morgan's heroines converse so beautifully.
"No, everything is coming along beautifully, thank you.
I've got the platter, and that rain has laid the dust beautifully.
Then she sent for me and talked beautifully, and I behaved abominably.
"They're done and done beautifully, aren't they?" he said, holding up one.
Let every one see how I dance ... let them see how beautifully I dance...."
It was this--that the number of spectators was growing smaller by degrees and beautifully less.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Hamlet, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Howard Hughes, License CC BY-SA 4.0