Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: bends
IPA transcription: [b'ɛndz]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: decompression_sickness, aeroembolism, air_embolism, gas_embolism, caisson_disease, bends
    Meaning: pain resulting from rapid change in pressure
Usage examples
  • He is only a clay-born; so he bends his neck.
  • The heron, coming up behind her, cautiously bends its neck over the drifting piece of reed.
  • The voyageurs again embarked, and swept down the narrow bends of the turbulent floods at what are now Lytton, Yale, and Hope.
  • One religious, seemingly in pain, seeks comfort; another desires some book, instrument, etc.; a third bends under a burden; while a fourth is afflicted.
  • And never ship's crew boasted that they came safe by her rock; for she bends her long necks down to them, and every mouth takes up a man And who will help us now?
  • Each drive was attended by its own crew, who guarded the logs on either bank, launching those that shoaled on the numerous sandbars or in the shallows, keeping them from piling up in coves and in the mouths of estuaries, or creeks, some going ahead at the bends to fend off and break up any formation of the drifting timbers that promised to become a jam.