Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: besieged
IPA transcription: [bɪs'idʒd]
Pronunciations of besieged
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: besieged
    Meaning: surrounded by hostile forces; "the besieged town"
Usage examples
  • The smithy was besieged for picks, for shovels, for iron ladles.
  • Oh, what a feeble fort's a woman's heart, Betrayed by nature, and besieged by art.
  • Again she was besieged by eager questioners, and again she swam in sunset seas of glory.
  • Then they besieged La Mina, where some more negroes were taken, which they sold at the Antilles.
  • The Roman women saved the city a second time, when besieged by Brennus. They gave up all their gold as its ransom.
  • It was no longer child's play to march up to the walls of Fort Slatter, nor was the position of the besieged less perilous.
  • While the besieged rejoiced in victory the besiegers had begun anew the terrible bombardment, sending a warning that the iron ring still held.
  • At the time when the other officers resigned their commissions, care was taken that he should be sent with a body of horse to relieve Taunton besieged by the royalists.
  • All the entrances to the Palace Square were closed by sentries, and a cordon of troops stretched clear across the western end, besieged by an uneasy throng of citizens.
  • The posse, scattering broadly, stood ready to nip the besieged in case he should show himself in an effort to repel the juggernaut of justice that was creeping upon him.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Siege, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording William the Conqueror, License CC BY-SA 4.0