Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: blended
IPA transcription: [bl'ɛndɪd]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: blended
    Meaning: combined or mixed together so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable
Usage examples
  • Blended with courage and devotion
  • As for her complexion, it was a dainty pink-and-white, delicately blended.
  • A boiling chaos in which water and earth and fire were blended, spread over land and sea.
  • It will not do to use for a month, because earlier, the salts will not be sufficiently blended with it.
  • His scattered thoughts came together; his sensations blended into a whole and threw a sudden light into his mind.
  • My foot-gear was of walrus hide, cunningly blended with seal gut. The remainder of my dress was as primal and uncouth.
  • To all this the captive made no reply; but was content to preserve an attitude in which dignity was singularly blended with disdain.
  • Billy did not consider herself much of a singer, but her voice was sweet and true, and not without training. It blended very prettily with the clear, pure tenor.
  • The leaf, in one particular stage, when nearly all the prismatic colours are blended on its surface, is often converted by the natives into a superb and striking head-dress.
  • Only the thrust of spears, the soft, yielding flesh that they encountered, the scream, the wrench of stone from tissue, and the blended howl of triumph and scream of despair.