Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: blossoms
IPA transcription: [bl'ɑsəmz]
Usage examples
  • At his side sat the lady of Remsen's heart--the lady who looked like pomegranate blossoms and the gibbous moon.
  • The blossoms of the Balm of Gilead, steeped with fair water in a vessel, then strained, will dye silk a pretty red color.
  • "I think so, too," agreed the Little Colonel, stooping to fasten the locust blossoms more securely behind the pony's ears.
  • As they were about to start on, Constance spied high above their heads, where the stream burst from the rocks, a clump of starry white blossoms.
  • Such splendid colors, such magnificent blossoms, such triumphs of the floricultural art, had never been seen outside the walls of a flower show.
  • I tried long afterward, thinking that it was my duty, to build up a wall of difficult doctrines over my spring blossoms, as if they needed protection.
  • Perhaps hid in the dull residuum of my poor but honest gray matter lies the seed of real genius that will sprout the loveliest blossoms of achievement."
  • Her husband had left the camp with his gun in the hope of shooting some wattle birds, which were then fat with feeding on the sweet blossoms of the honeysuckle.
  • Thus Sekishiu ordained that white plum blossoms should not be made use of when snow lay in the garden. "Noisy" flowers were relentlessly banished from the tea-room.
  • Under the blossoms rode the Little Colonel, all in white herself this May morning, except the little Napoleon hat of black velvet, set jauntily over her short light hair.