Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: bobby
IPA transcription: [b'ɑbi]
Pronunciations of bobby
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: bobby
    Meaning: an informal term for a British policeman
Usage examples
  • I got sidetracked watching Bobby Warner.
  • "Frank, Bobby McGinnis was my good friend.
  • I want you to help me give the girls a good time, Bobby."
  • "Bobby, I did not understand--I did not know," she said gently.
  • "Bobby McGinnis, why don't you help me?" she demanded, tearfully.
  • Two minutes later Bobby McGinnis himself stood tall and straight just inside the door.
  • "That's spreading the good old oil, Bobby, but I'll never tangle with you if I can help it.
  • Come on, Tarbaby, and see if you can't beat Bobby Moore's old gray hawse so bad it will be ashamed to evah race again."
  • Even Bobby McGinnis, when she saw him at all--which was seldom--treated her with a frigid deference that was inexpressibly annoying to her.
  • "And I was looking for you, Bobby," she answered, as informally as if it were only yesterday they had parted, instead of eight months before.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Terry Fox, License CC BY-SA 4.0