Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: brains
IPA transcription: [bɹ'eɪnz]
Pronunciations of brains
Usage examples
  • Clean the brains.
  • 23.--German Stewed Brains.
  • 24.--Bavarian Fried Brains.
  • I'll just give you one blow, and dash your brains out!'
  • Those questions were pounding in the brains of Andrews' men.
  • "So I think I'll blow his brains out tomorrow morning on sight."
  • Warm up the brains with a little water, butter, salt, and pepper.
  • The cleverest crooks in the country are pitting their brains against his.
  • A night of sleep soon set the brains of Young's trappers once more to rights.
  • "Neither you nor my dear old friend Raffles ever gave me credit for any brains.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Ten percent of the brain myth, License CC BY-SA 4.0