United_Kingdom, UK, U.K., Britain, United_Kingdom_of_Great_Britain_and_Northern_Ireland, Great_Britain
Meaning: a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
Usage examples
At this time Vortigern reigned in Britain.
Great Britain proposed a settlement by mediation.
'"The treaty must be made on Great Britain's own terms.
To begin with the Irish missionary work in Great Britain.
In Britain only could he further the execution of his plan.
Great Britain and France supported the Turks and active fighting commenced.
But even in much greater numbers than these came students from Great Britain.
They learned much about Britain; for trading vessels, even at that early day, crossed the Channel.
When she was still a very young woman the American Revolution for freedom from Great Britain broke out.
Her convent and adjoining monastery for monks soon became the most noted center of learning and culture in Britain.