Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: broome
IPA transcription: [bɹ'um]
Usage examples
  • "Miss Gower, or rather Miss Priscilla Gower, as you say. Number twenty-three, Broome street; and Broome street is not a fashionable locality, my dear Theodora."
  • But he had been tired and fagged out, he remembered, on the first occasion of their meeting--too tired to think of anything but his appointment at Broome street, and Priscilla's Greek grammar.
  • "I hope," said Theodora, when, after their sight-seeing was over, she stood on the pavement before the door in Broome street, her nice little hand on Denis Oglethorpe's arm, "I hope you will let me come to see you again, Miss Gower."