Meaning: touched lightly in passing; grazed against; "of all the people brushed against in a normal day on a city street I remember not a one"
Meaning: (of hair or clothing) groomed with a brush; "with shining hair neatly brushed"; "the freshly brushed clothes hung in the closet"
Usage examples
His elbow brushed her shoulder.
It had to be brushed and plaited a dozen times a day."
He leaned over and brushed a scrap of paper from her grey cloak.
Waldron got up stiffly and carefully brushed the cinders from his coat.
The officers had by this time risen from their knees and brushed the dust from their trousers.
"I'm so sorry I scooted them!" Raggedy Andy cried, as he brushed his hand over his shoe button eyes.
His sleeve brushed against her shoulder. Something in his face arrested the answer she meant to make.
He brushed furtively at the caked dust on his legs, remembering, irritably, the elegance of Waldron, whom he had saved.
He had the frank open countenance, neatly brushed hair and tidy clothes that betoken a clear conscience and a good mother.
As they sat thus something brushed against Peter as light as a kiss, and stayed there, as if saying timidly, "Can I be of any use?"