Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: buddha
IPA transcription: [b'udə]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Buddha, Siddhartha, Gautama, Gautama_Siddhartha, Gautama_Buddha
    Meaning: founder of Buddhism; worshipped as a god (c 563-483 BC)
Usage examples
  • When the rich Sudatta wished to invite the Buddha to a repast, he made use of incense.
  • The teachings and example of Buddha, for instance, revolutionized Brahmanic religion in India.
  • He couldn't but agree with me, but there was that wrathful Oriental with his face as fixed as a Buddha.
  • Thus, as a case of the first class, he said that both Christ and Buddha were called by the divine voice coming out of the sky, as if you would expect the divine voice to come out of the coal-cellar.
  • The night-lamp made shadowy ghosts of all it touched, and one gleam of light, escaping the paper shade, hung like an aureole above the head of Yuki Chan's mother as she knelt with clasped hands before the Buddha on the shelf.
  • In Mingrelia, when the crops are suffering from want of rain, they take a particularly holy image and dip it in water every day till a shower falls; and in the Far East the Shans drench the images of Buddha with water when the rice is perishing of drought.