Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: bullock
IPA transcription: [b'ʊlək]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: bullock, steer
    Meaning: castrated bull
  • Synonyms: bullock
    Meaning: young bull
Usage examples
  • "Look at that fellow," he said to Eames, pointing to the prize bullock.
  • 'As good as Thor's when he caught Snake Midgard with the bullock's head,' said Wulf.
  • For obvious reasons, I dared not tackle him alone. Brogard is too big a fool, and that cursed Englishman appears to have the strength of a bullock, and so he slipped away under your very nose."
  • At the end of the lunch Seth Bullock suddenly reached forward, swept aside a mass of flowers which made a centerpiece on the table, and revealed a bronze cougar by Proctor, which was a parting gift to me.
  • 'Now get on my back,' he said to Paul, 'and when I turn my head to the right, cut a slice off the bullock that hangs on that side, and put it in my mouth, and when I turn my head to the left, draw a cupful of wine from the cask that hangs on that side, and pour it down my throat.'
  • When the man heard that, you can't think how glad he was, for it seemed to him that he knew the voice of his big bullock, and he thought that now he should find both of them again; so he tied up the third ox, and ran off from the road to look for them in the wood; but meantime the youth went off with the third ox.
  • They have had their share of accidents and escapes; as I write, word comes from a far-off land that one of them, whom Seth Bullock used to call "Kim" because he was the friend of all mankind, while bossing a dangerous but necessary steel structural job has had two ribs and two back teeth broken, and is back at work.