Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: bushes
IPA transcription: [b'ʊʃəz]
Pronunciations of bushes
Usage examples
  • We hid in the bushes, and we waited.
  • Seedling trees and bushes also were growing among the flowers.
  • William crept round to the back of the house beneath the bushes.
  • He grasped at weeds and bushes, but they slipped through his hands.
  • He dropped into a crouch and crept silently up to the tangle of bushes.
  • Dick promised and the three went forward very carefully among some bushes.
  • Halfway up the scarp was a dark horizontal line of bushes, something like a hedge.
  • It was troublesome to go further because the hummocks and the tangled bushes began.
  • Our washing lies spread on bushes, where it will catch the first peep of morning sun.
  • Vines clutched at his feet, and the close-set bushes seemed unwilling to let him pass.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Indigenous people of the Everglades region, License CC BY-SA 4.0