Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples
IPA transcription: [b'ʊʃəz]
Pronunciations of bushes
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Usage examples
We hid in the bushes, and we waited.
Seedling trees and bushes also were growing among the flowers.
William crept round to the back of the house beneath the bushes.
He grasped at weeds and bushes, but they slipped through his hands.
He dropped into a crouch and crept silently up to the tangle of bushes.
Dick promised and the three went forward very carefully among some bushes.
Halfway up the scarp was a dark horizontal line of bushes, something like a hedge.
It was troublesome to go further because the hummocks and the tangled bushes began.
Our washing lies spread on bushes, where it will catch the first peep of morning sun.
Vines clutched at his feet, and the close-set bushes seemed unwilling to let him pass.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording
Indigenous people of the Everglades region
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