Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: cakes
IPA transcription: [k'eɪks]
Usage examples
  • 18.--Jewish Purim Cakes.
  • 18.--Irish Batter Cakes.
  • 14.--Italian Sugar Cakes.
  • Yeast cakes will keep good five or six months.
  • Mould it up into small cakes, and bake them immediately.
  • Run down and ask your mother to give us some little cakes."
  • They tasted the cakes and found them nicer than any other food.
  • They looked, in the moonlight, like huge cakes of clay, where spooks and creepy things might be found.
  • Corn cakes, vegetables, and two kinds of meat were cooking over the coals and a great pot of coffee boiled and bubbled.
  • Whereupon he began to eat some huge boulders as if they had been cakes, and when he had quite finished, he offered Paul one.