Nightfall brought General Marlanx in from the camps outside the gates.
Now men were suddenly being massed together in camps and fleets as if on Purpose to breed disease.
He sent a party of wreckers who pitched their camps on Snake Island, where they had plenty of grass, scrub, and timber.
The Hans are sure to launch reprisal expeditions. If we're to save the race we must keep them away from our camps and plants.
Professor Ryan, late physical instructor at one of the aviation camps, stood Hawksley in front of him and ran his hard hands over the young man's body.
Mrs Cameron, wife of the famous Cariboo Cameron, lived with her husband on his claim till she died, and many other women lived in the camps with their husbands.
He had crossed the Sierras before, when the snow lay deep on the summit, and now proposed to drive over horses and kill them at the camps as provisions for the sufferers.
Sir Walter himself and his mounted companions dashed forward to the nearer tents of the French camps, cut down all who opposed them, and setting fire to the huts retired towards the city.
While you have been riding and running, and seeing the tombs of the learned, and the camps of the valiant, I have only staid at home, and intended to do great things, which I have not done.
Two transcontinental railroads skirted the canyon, one on each side, and the tents of a thousand construction workers stood where once were the camps of the gold-seekers banded together for protection.