Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: canyon
IPA transcription: [k'ænjən]
Pronunciations of canyon
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: canyon, canon
    Meaning: a ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfall
Usage examples
  • "Is that a glacier," they asked, "down in that canyon?
  • Their wild cries echoed in the canyon for a short time, and then all was still once more.
  • The result was a bright blaze that flared high, lighting the rocks far down into the canyon, but not sufficiently far to reach Tad.
  • He already had a brisk fire going, but before lighting it, the lad had walked down to the edge of the canyon for a survey of the plain.
  • The most showy and interesting of them are mostly in the upper part of the canyon, above the point of entrance of Cathedral Creek and Hoffman Creek.
  • From the foot of the Fall the trail zigzags up a narrow canyon between the fall and a plain mural cliff that is burnished here and there by glacial action.
  • 'But,' he said, pointing his trembling old hands at the two railways, 'if we prospectors hadn't blazed the trail of the canyon, you wouldn't have your railroads here to-day.
  • The canyon begins near the lower end of the meadows and extends to the Hetch Hetchy Valley, a distance of about eighteen miles, though it will seem much longer to any one who scrambles through it.
  • Two transcontinental railroads skirted the canyon, one on each side, and the tents of a thousand construction workers stood where once were the camps of the gold-seekers banded together for protection.
  • By trailing through Egan Canyon we cut the backbone of the mountain range and now, at an altitude of several hundred feet above the plain, were climbing higher and higher the rugged plateau, until we reached Nine Mile, and unpacked.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording History of the Grand Canyon area, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Red vs. Blue, License CC BY-SA 4.0