Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: caves
IPA transcription: [k'eɪvz]
Pronunciations of caves
Usage examples
  • Below the cliff caves were bar rooms in endless lines.
  • How did she first come to the Caves of Kor, and what was her real religion?
  • These machines are planted in caves of sepulture, to guard them from pillage.
  • At its base there were heaps of shattered stones, and deep crevices almost like caves.
  • All the treasure that they had accumulated in their caves at Barnesdale the King's bowmen freely distributed this day.
  • "Out there, beyond the mountains, beyond the dead sea bottoms, over the horizon and to the north, in the caves, far back in the subterrane."
  • Then up the road, by the awful thousands, vomiting out of hills, sprawling from caves, curling, huge fingers of beasts, around and about and down to the Man Cities.
  • Its explanation I must leave to others, and with this slight preface, which circumstances make necessary, I introduce the world to Ayesha and the Caves of Kor.--The Editor.
  • Tom did not sleep well the remainder of the night, for his fitful slumbers were disturbed by dreams of enormous caves, filled with diamonds, with dark, shadowy figures trying to put him into a red-hot steel box.
  • His power and threats were not omitted in my calculations; a creature who could exist in the ice caves of the glaciers and hide himself from pursuit among the ridges of inaccessible precipices was a being possessing faculties it would be vain to cope with.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Final Fantasy VI, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Pope Clement I, License CC BY-SA 4.0