Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: cheques
IPA transcription: [tʃ'ɛks]
Usage examples
  • So you can draw cheques at your ease.'
  • You will hold yourself ready after Wednesday, we'll say, to cash some very heavy cheques on my account?"
  • People came in fairly frequently to cash cheques of two or three pounds, but it was rare that any very large dealings took place.
  • Probably few of the customers who came to cash cheques suspected that there was anything the matter with the man who paid them their money.
  • He did not leave Maudesley Abbey until he had succeeded in the object of his visit, and he carried away in his pocket-book cheques to the amount of two thousand five hundred pounds.
  • Strictly speaking, perhaps, Mr Waller was wrong to leave such an important task as the actual cashing of cheques to an inexperienced person of Mike's standing; but the New Asiatic Bank differed from most banks in that there was not a great deal of cross-counter work.
  • Mike's work was less ostentatious, and was performed with pen, ink, and ledgers in the background. Occasionally, when Mr Waller was out at lunch, Mike had to act as substitute for him, and cash cheques; but Mr Waller always went out at a slack time, when few customers came in, and Mike seldom had any very startling sum to hand over.