Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: cherub
IPA transcription: [tʃ'ɛɹəb]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: cherub
    Meaning: an angel of the second order whose gift is knowledge; usually portrayed as a winged child
  • Synonyms: cherub
    Meaning: a sweet innocent baby
Usage examples
  • He put forth this preposterous statement with a glance as grave and innocent as that of a little cherub.
  • I shall never forget a pretty boy we had once; he was called the "cherub," and had been a chorister--sang divinely.
  • It looked like a rose dipped in milk, she thought, this pink and white blossom of girlhood, or like a pink cherub, with its halo of pale yellow hair, finer than floss silk.