Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: chimerical
IPA transcription: [kɪm'ɛɹəkəl]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: chimerical
    Meaning: produced by a wildly fanciful imagination; "his Utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists"- Douglas Bush
  • Synonyms: chimeric, chimerical, chimeral
    Meaning: being or relating to or like a chimera; "his Utopia is not as chimeric commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists"- Douglas Bush
Usage examples
  • Whoever then holds morality to be anything real, and not a chimerical idea without any truth, must likewise admit the principle of it that is here assigned.
  • What pretensions has a man to our generous assistance or good offices, who has dissipated his wealth in profuse expenses, idle vanities, chimerical projects, dissolute pleasures or extravagant gaming?
  • Here, now, it is the simple conformity to law in general, without assuming any particular law applicable to certain actions, that serves the will as its principle and must so serve it, if duty is not to be a vain delusion and a chimerical notion.
  • And though we must endeavour to render all our principles as universal as possible, by tracing up our experiments to the utmost, and explaining all effects from the simplest and fewest causes, it is still certain we cannot go beyond experience; and any hypothesis, that pretends to discover the ultimate original qualities of human nature, ought at first to be rejected as presumptuous and chimerical.