Meaning: a travelling company of entertainers; including trained animals; "he ran away from home to join the circus"
Meaning: a performance given by a traveling company of acrobats, clowns, and trained animals; "the children always love to go to the circus"
circus, carnival
Meaning: a frenetic disorganized (and often comic) disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment; "it was so funny it was a circus"; "the whole occasion had a carnival atmosphere"
Usage examples
"There's a ticket for the circus, and you come around to see me about ten o'clock to-night.
I've been processing through Europe like Barnum's Circus, and living with generals and transparencies.
On the contrary, he is capable of being trained into remarkable cleverness, as circus proprietors have discovered.
Just then one or two kind words would have prevented him from running away, bright as the prospect of circus life appeared.
She had been sold to the ring-master of a travelling circus (I had stipulated on this disposal of her), and was about to set out on her travels.
As Toby walked around the circus grounds, whereon was so much to attract his attention, he could not prevent himself from assuming an air of proprietorship.
He was really to travel with a circus, to become a part, as it were, of the whole, and to be able to see its many wonderful and beautiful attractions every day.
His reply was, that a Man of his Merit had something else to think on, than idle Riddles; 'twas enough for him, that he was acknowledg'd the Hero of the Circus.
As though he were in a circus ring the speckled roan wheeled and danced through the labyrinth of pear until at length his rider knew by certain landmarks that the Lone Wolf Crossing was close at hand.
It is also more than possible that Mr. Lord had had experience enough with boys to know that they might be homesick on the eve of starting to travel with a circus; and in order to make sure that Toby would keep to his engagement he was unusually kind.