cling, clingstone
Meaning: fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit
meaning of the word
cling, cleave, adhere, stick, cohere
Meaning: come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation; "The dress clings to her body"; "The label stuck to the box"; "The sushi rice grains cohere"
Meaning: to remain emotionally or intellectually attached; "He clings to the idea that she might still love him."
cling, hang
Meaning: hold on tightly or tenaciously; "hang on to your father's hands"; "The child clung to his mother's apron"
Usage examples
Thick masses of Mussels may cling to them and suffocate them.
He almost forgot to cling to the seat. For not one scream came but many.
Moreover, Wessner would cling to his revenge with a Dutchman's singleness of mind.
The water swept him close to a ship, but its keel was smooth and slippery and there was nothing to cling to.
Memory died in him, the hurts became callouses, the world-pain died out of his heart, and to cling became a habit.
Don't cling so fast; father will be back soon--and isn't this a sweet sunny place for a little maid to be lazy in?"
In dense black masses they cling to the rocks; and, though heavy waves bang them like so many hammers, they stick tight.
Then was I still more fearful of the abyss; Because I fires beheld, and heard laments, Whereat I, trembling, all the closer cling.
Men therefore not only cling to equality because it is dear to them; they also adhere to it because they think it will last forever.
The tracks cling to the mountain sides almost like vines cling to brick walls, and the curves are so short that one riding in the end coach can nearly reach the engineer.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording BDSM, License CC BY-SA 4.0