Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: clumsy
IPA transcription: [kl'ʌmzi]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: gawky, clumsy, clunky, ungainly, unwieldy
    Meaning: lacking grace in movement or posture; "a gawky lad with long ungainly legs"; "clumsy fingers"; "what an ungainly creature a giraffe is"; "heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair"
  • Synonyms: awkward, clumsy, cumbersome, inapt, inept, ill-chosen
    Meaning: not elegant or graceful in expression; "an awkward prose style"; "a clumsy apology"; "his cumbersome writing style"; "if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?"
Usage examples
  • And a clumsy one.
  • A big aeroplane is a clumsy thing.
  • What Cat was ever awkward or clumsy?
  • "Clumsy treasure hunting," Sir Richmond said.
  • In a moment the two men were locked in a clumsy wrestle.
  • It is clumsy in flight, but nimble in leaping from limb to limb.
  • "That impudent Scarlet Pimpernel would slip through clumsy fingers.
  • We're clumsy seals, unpolished provincial bears, and she's the queen of the ball!
  • Let us not be too extravagant with our praise, however; the imitation of the bag was a very clumsy one.
  • These clumsy, loggerheaded ducks make such a noise and splashing, that the effect is exceedingly curious.