Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: collateral
IPA transcription: [kəl'ætɚəl]
Pronunciations of collateral
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: collateral
    Meaning: a security pledged for the repayment of a loan
Usage examples
  • In each case the collateral deposited had already been insufficient.
  • But the Oakwell property passed out of the hands of the Batts at the beginning of the last century; collateral descendants succeeded, and left this picturesque trace of their having been.
  • While the Incognita hesitated, Miss Bydel, a collateral and uneducated successor to a large and unexpected fortune, said, 'Pray, first of all, young woman, what took you over to foreign parts?
  • He had heard the whole story of that collateral investigation--how Spangler and his comrades had traced Henry Poindexter's horse to the place where the negro had caught it--on the outskirts of the plantation.
  • With punctilious care he unbuttoned his gray cutaway, took out a wallet from under the button of the Society of Colonial Wars, drew forth a sheet of note paper, and with a pencil inscribed a broad O. 'There's my collateral, Mr. Cargan,' he said whimsically.
  • Horsey was the name of the gentleman from whom it was said that he obtained the favor; so when the time was up for the payment to be made, the Dr. was not prepared. Horsey, therefore, claimed the collateral (the wife) and thus she had to meet the issue, or make a timely escape to Canada with her husband.
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