Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: conceivable
IPA transcription: [kəns'ivəbəl]
Pronunciations of conceivable
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: conceivable, imaginable
    Meaning: capable of being imagined; "that is one possible answer"
Usage examples
  • It is quite conceivable
  • Once they missed it nothing else would do; there was no conceivable substitute for that success.
  • Beings perfectly abstract are perceivable in the same manner, or are only conceivable by the assistance of speech.
  • If he was one with the Father, the question cannot be argued, seeing that Jesus apart from the Father is not a conceivable idea.
  • It is conceivable that two hermaphrodites, attracted by each other's greater beauty, might unite and leave offspring which would inherit their parents' greater beauty.
  • There are collections of armor, relics, porcelain, enamel, fabrics, paintings, statues, carvings in wood and ivory, machines, models, and every conceivable object of use or beauty.
  • Then it is impossible that God should ever be willing to change; being, as is supposed, the fairest and best that is conceivable, every God remains absolutely and for ever in his own form.
  • This passage, for no conceivable reason that I could devise, was always closed after the household had retired to rest, by drawing a heavy slide across it, composed of a dozen or more bits of wood, ingeniously fastened together by seizings of sinnate.
  • The thing had become a fashion with a certain Bohemian-spirited class; they added cabin to cabin, and these little improvised homes, gaily painted and with broad verandas and supplementary leantos added to their accommodation, made the brightest contrast conceivable to the dull rigidities of the decorous resorts.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Dungeons & Dragons, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Binary star, License CC BY-SA 4.0