Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: conflagration
IPA transcription: [k,ɑnfləɡɹ'eɪʃən]
Pronunciations of conflagration
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: conflagration, inferno
    Meaning: a very intense and uncontrolled fire
Usage examples
  • Then we both laughed and began to plan what Tom called a conflagration.
  • It was with great difficulty that my wife, a servant, and myself, made our escape from the conflagration.
  • That awful conflagration, in which she believed two children belonging to her uncle and aunt had lost their lives, had started in the sawdust.
  • One of these monuments is to commemorate a calamity--the conflagration of Sixteen Hundred Sixty-six--and the others are in honor of deeds of war.
  • The ruined blocks of the wide thoroughfare formed a trench through the clustered structures that the conflagration, wild as it was, could not leap.
  • It was owing to the strength of our Government and the good sense of the quiet masses of the people that it did not wrap our country in one widespread conflagration.
  • They stayed the march of the conflagration at that critical point, leaving it no channel to spread except along the wharf region, in which its final force was spent.
  • Thinking that my aunt might have relapsed into one of her old alarms, and might be watching the progress of some imaginary conflagration in the distance, I went to speak to her.
  • When the burning city seemed doomed and the flames lit the sky farther and farther to the west, Admiral McCalla sent a trio of his most trusted men from Mare Island with orders to check the conflagration at any cost of property.
  • But she certainly was desirous of knowing about that fire, so long ago, at Pale Lick, how it came about; if Aunt Kate had really got her great scar there; and if it was really true that two members of her uncle's family had met their death in the conflagration.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Battle of Fredericksburg, License CC BY-SA 4.0