Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: constellations
IPA transcription: [k,ɑnstəl'eɪʃənz]
Usage examples
  • Here the temples all evidently refer to a cult based upon the constellations as symbols.
  • Thus the imagination of ancient America sought in the constellations symbols of the unchanging gods.
  • They were the first astronomers, calculating eclipses, and watching the periods of planets and constellations.
  • To emphasize the importance of these effects it is only necessary to recall that the constellations register the oldest traditions of our race.
  • The sky was grey, but that made little difference in the Piazza del Duomo, which was covered with its holiday sky of blue drapery, and its constellations of yellow lilies and coats of arms.
  • you power that does this work! You unseen force, centripetal, centrifugal, through space's spread, Rapport of sun, moon, earth, and all the constellations, What are the messages by you from distant stars to us?
  • I have made the Seven Lights, the constellation of the Bear, lament for the theft of the Rose, and I have made the Dragon, the constellation Draco, the guardian of the Rose, because these constellations move about the pole of the heavens, the ancient Tree of Life in many countries, and are often associated with the Tree of Life in mythology.