Meaning: a hilly county in southwestern England
Usage examples
Somerset, and Devon, and make an entire conquest of Cornwall.
Fie on you false knight, said Sir Kay, for ye of Cornwall are nought worth.
And also he sware to be good friend unto Sir Tristram if ever he came into Cornwall.
So as they talked together, there came a king of Cornwall riding, the which hight King Mark.
We have proved the fish diet is not essential, as two of our cats (in Cornwall) never get it.
The prince, not six days old, was created prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall, and earl of Chester.
The knights of Cornwall are in ill repute in romance for their cowardice, and they exhibited it on this occasion.
The kingdom of Cornwall was thus delivered from its tribute. Tristram, weakened by loss of blood, fell senseless.
It is a native plant, but not found in this neighbourhood; I brought it from Cornwall, where it is so plentiful in the chinks of the granite stone-fences.
A gentleman in Cornwall possessed a dog, which seemed to set a value on white and shining pebble stones, of which he had made a large collection in a hole under an old tree.